just the latest....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Draining week.

For being a SHORT week at school-- I am completely exhausted.... my kids are keeping me so busy~ somedays I feel like I hardly have time to breathe! Monday was long... Tuesday was longer- and I was supposed to get home early for Lo's bday party. Then came Wednesday....the last day of the work week, and I end up staying until 4:40 and STILL didn't finish up what I needed too. I have all these new ideas of how I want to try something new in READING and these thoughts start to literally consume so much of my life. I can't sleep. I get headaches. There are other little projects I have going on in class as well~ in fact, this morning, I was up at 4:00 working on something because I couldn't fall back to sleep. YIKES! Everything will get done-- I just need to figure out how to budget my time a little better- ( ok- so why am I blogging?). There is also lots going on in the family~ not all BAD things~ just things...
OH- and to top things off, Sawyer went from COMPLETELY sleeping through the night, to waking up screaming about 3 times each night. This week I was lucky enough to have Jesse to run in his room and pop in a nuk so he'd fall right back to sleep.... anyone else have this problem?

Jesse did come up and meet me for lunch on Wednesday. And- after arriving home late on Wednesday... 5:00 came and there was a knock on my door. And these were there:
I love my hubby. He spoils me- even when I am being difficult and sassy. xoxo

Welcome Madelyn!

Our cousin Zac and his wife, Michelle, welcomed a sweet baby girl on Monday....
Madelyn Marais, 4 lbs 15 oz, and 18 1/2 inches long.

We've seen pictures- she is BEAUTIFUL!!
Welcome to the world, little one!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009


We love you! :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

a night away

I got home Thursday night after school and Jesse and I decided to head to Duluth just for a night.... we initially thought we'd take Sawyer with, but since our #1 daycare lady- auntie laura, was at our house, she offered to just stay overnight and watch 2 babies (along with her hubby). So- off we went! It was my first night without the little guy-- a little hesitant to leave, but both of my sisters know our routine, so that certainly helped! We had a lot of fun in Duluth. We first headed to the mall for some shopping. Jesse was the one who needed shoes, but somehow I ended up with new shoes, a sweater and an outfit for Sawyer! Next came Applebees for some appetizers and a drink. Yummy. Friday morning we got up at 8:00-- we hadn't slept in that late since before Sawyer came along! We went and walked down by Lake Superior then went to the mall and finally found Jesse some shoes and then went car shopping.....just looking for now. Anyways- then we came back home to these 2 sweet babies... Thanks Lo and Mike!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Sawyer FINALLY got to meet my dear friend, Christie! She is home from Africa for a few weeks. We were so happy to snatch her up for a couple of nights. She stopped by with her friend JK and sister Amy, JUST to meet Sawyer (well, and I suppose to see Jesse and I too!?). Then, she and Amy came over for girls' night! Sawyer was so happy to meet her (and JK) because, he's heard his mom talk about Christie and read her blog to him for so long now... We're hoping we can steal them for another night before she heads back. THANKS Christie. ;)

Friday, November 13, 2009


I love the holiday season.

First Week Back

My first week back went quite well. I didn't even cry when I left Sawyer on Monday- though he got to stay home with his daddy all day! I did get a little teary-eyed when I got to school as my class (and thanks, becky!) had decorated my room for me-- signs with messages and hearts all over the place-- even balloons taped to the walls. So sweet! Monday was exhausting and I felt like I had no idea what I was doing or what was going on. Each day got a little better and I think I am feeling ready for next week. It did help that the school football team went to state (GO BRAVES!) so there were no students in school on Thursday. I tried to do a little cleaning in my room, got my kids set up on a new computer program and met with the staff that didn't go to the game.
So- one week down, a few more to go... looking forward to getting some sleep this weekend as I feel a cold coming on.

P.S. VOTE YES!!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

* Sunday- I had a day to myself. Jesse took Sawyer and I stayed home, drank coffee, stayed in my jammies until 3:00, worked on school stuff- found some neat science experiments. Then I met up with the boys out at my dad's and watched the Vikes play with dad, bill and erin.
* Monday and Tuesday I spent at home with Sawyer.
*Wednesday I had another 'me' day. I dropped Sawyer off with my aunt/uncle and took a quick trip to Virginia. I found some deals on clothes and was able to take a trip to Target and went grocery shopping. All in about 2 hours.
* Sawyer slept for 9 1/2 hours last night- straight! We've had 6 nights of that now... I hope it stays that way for when work starts.
* Erin came this morning before school and had coffee. A nice way to start my morning!
* Lots of girls/sister time this weekend. The guys are all out hunting...
* Sunday- a visit with Kelly and meeting Baby Ben for the first time. Can't wait!
* Monday- school starts again... I"m not too depressed- I would love to stay home, but I also love my job, love my schedule, and am excited to see happy faces each morning. I think we'll make something fun on Monday- something messy and fun! :) Kids love that... and so do teachers. Anyways- we'll see how Monday goes.
* Hoping to see my friend, Christie, who is home from Africa... SOON!
* Currently, Sawyer is napping, I'm blog-stalking, drinking my coffee and watching GMA. It looks like it's going to be a nice day today. Maybe we'll go out and swing!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I am 'that girl'. That girl that drives people crazy by only blogging about her baby-- and her niece. Sorry. I will soon be able to add work to my list of things to blog about (more kids!).

We had a fun (and busy!) Halloween. Erin and Bill brought us McD breakfast to start the day. Lo and Kate joined us too! We got the babies ready and headed to gram and gramps Aune first. Then we headed to Tower to see G&G Poderzay... and then it was home for naps! Later on, we headed out to Grandma Katie's, Uncle Donny's and then Jesse and I took Sawyer on to Virginia to see Grandpa and Arlene. We dropped Sawyer off for an hour, went out to dinner, did some quick shopping and picked up a pie to share with our babysitters. We had a great day....