Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Grandma's Birthday
Today was my grandma's birthday. We, along with Erin/Bill, Lo and Kate, Dad and Stacy celebrated with some birthday treats and juice.
Anyone who knows me, KNOWS that my grandma (and grandpa) are such a special part of my life. I have so many sweet memories of them growing up- beach trips, baking and cooking, piano lessons,walks, buttercups and nasturtiums, hide the penny, finding change in the chairs, cleaning cupboards for two bits, snacks and tv right off the bus, "call me for your free reading", basketball games, trips to wisconsin~ not to mention, grandma would do ANYTHING for us- even silly things like wearing garbage bag crowns, singing or saying whatever crazy things we'd tell her.
Today was a GREAT day.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
the weekend.

Last Thursday Jesse and I had some friends come and stay with us before they (including jesse) all went on a camping trip to the BWCA. Sawyer's a little too small to go yet- but maybe next summer we'll be able to tag along for the adventure! Anyways, Paul, NIchole and Alex got to our house around 9:30 at night. We ended up staying up visiting and sitting outside until 12:30 before deciding it was time to go to bed. It was great to see them and catch up!
Friday morning came awfully early- and I had Miss Kate for the day to play with Sawyer. We were busy- and trying to keep both babies happy was a challenge! Luckily, Kate is an angel baby-- so mild mannered and just easy going- Sawyer, not so much!! He is the feisty one.
Since Jesse was gone, I decided to head out to the lake Friday night. I got there just in time for a tasty steak dinner. We spent Saturday being lazy, doing some swinging in Grandpa's swing, and dipping sawyer's toes in the lake while everyone was swimming. He seemed to enjoy it. Saturday night (EARLY morning) Sawyer decided that he wanted to get up for the day at 4:30. My sister is a saint- she came and took him from me so I could sleep until 7 or so... THANKS erin.
Sunday brought a FUNDAY for me. My mom took 'the boy' and Trish and I headed to Duluth. We shopped, and shopped, and shopped! I got the babies a few Christmas presents, a few clothes for me, some things for the house, some baby gifts for friends.... plus I got to meet up with Tawnya and see her dorm room, go out to lunch, and just have a baby-free day. Don't get me wrong- I LOVE my sweet boy... but I hadn't been away from him yet... so it was definitely needed. :) Thanks, grandma, for watching! ;)
Yesterday we played at dad's with Lo and Kate for a while, took a nap, did some more swinging- then Jesse called and said he was home. He came to dad's, brought me some ice cream~ it was so great to see him.... 4 days is too long for me. He was also surprised as my dad bought both him and Bill a muzzle loader.... fun times ahead for them!
Today I have Kate for a couple of hours and then her daddy is picking her up. Both babies are sleeping-- and it's Kate's 4 month birthday! xoxo

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Let's see....
We had a nice Labor Day weekend. Jesse, Sawyer and I took a trip to Duluth and walked and walked and walked around in Canal Park, watched the ships and sailboats-- had a great time and the weather was perfect! Monday Dad, Erin and Bill, Lo, Mike and Kate, and Sawyer and myself all went to Twin Islands for the afternoon.
Dad put up a tent, Bill had a hammock, the babies had their baby tent-- it went pretty well! Sawyer sure loves the boat and being outside. He refuses to nap while he's out there! Kate, on the other hand, can nap anywhere! :) We spent some time swimming and watching the guys jump off the rock.

Tuesday I returned to school to help my sub get all set and meet my parents and students. It's always a blast to see "my" kids again-- and meet new little ones-- and watch them start playing and interacting together. Knowing I have a great bunch will make it much easier to go back in November.
Yesterday I decided to call erin over after school for a 09-09-09 party-- complete with treats and decorations, and princess crown for Erin. Thanks for coming to my party! :)

Friday, September 4, 2009
Sawyer's First Boat Ride

Tonight we came out to Grandpa's house to go for a boat ride. Sawyer loved it! He definitely loves being outside. Grandpa, Uncle Bill and Auntie Erin all jumped in the lake and Sawyer watched them swim around. Then we took off for a little ride around the lake- it was a gorgeous night- perfect to be out in the boat!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
What happened to August? I'm still waiting for summer weather to arrive. The fact that I have only been swimming twice this summer is depressing. Really depressing.

In some happy news, my friend Heather, her mom, and her beautiful daughter, Elspeth, came over for a visit Saturday morning. It was great seeing them. We don't get together nearly enough, but she is one of those people that you just kind of pick up where you left off... even if it was a year ago. All in all- a great Saturday morning!
Things in the house are going quite well. We are all unpacked EXCEPT for the books that need a home. Jesse is building bookshelves for our den area, so in the meantime, there are about 10 boxes of (mostly) books that need to be unpacked. I'll be glad when he's finished with that project!
I spent today back in school at an inservice day. It was my choice to go- and I am glad I did. It's always nice to see people after summer vacation- not to mention, it's great to see other teachers in the district that I don't normally see during the school year. My mom came and watched Sawyer for the day ( tomorrow too!)... so it wasn't too tough to leave him. I know he was well taken care of!
Yes, Sawyer. He had his shots on Monday. Ouchie. I asked Jesse to take the morning off to go with me, because I KNEW that I wouldn't deal well seeing big crocodile tears. So off we went. I sat in the appt long enough to visit with the Dr. about Sawyer-- and then I took off and left Sawyer with his daddy. By the time Jesse was out of the office, Sawyer had fallen asleep ( I suppose he was so overwhelmed from!). Anyways- he did so well and didn't really fuss after he had a good nap. Next time I will try to take him on my own. It amazes me that he's already 2 months old. He is so much fun right now- talking and smiling so much..... I love it!
We have no plans for the weekend. I will go to my classroom next Tuesday to greet my parents and students, as well as make sure my sub has everything she needs. Then it's 9 more weeks off....
As for now, I need to get to bed. Sawyer had been sleeping so well, and then last night he decided to be silly and wake up at 11:00 and not sleep well the rest of the night. It's like he KNEW I had to be up early for work. So- I've been up and running since 4:30 this morning.... I'm hoping tonight goes a little better!
Here's some new pictures of Sawyer. He loves his outside swing (thanks, Stace!)-- the other is a picture I sent to Jesse explaining why I can't get anything done during the day. Who wants to clean when you can stare at this smiling face instead?
Here's some new pictures of Sawyer. He loves his outside swing (thanks, Stace!)-- the other is a picture I sent to Jesse explaining why I can't get anything done during the day. Who wants to clean when you can stare at this smiling face instead?