just the latest....

Saturday, December 1, 2007

8 Things.

Ersy tagged me with this 8 things list.? Apparently I am supposed to write 8 things that most people wouldn't know about me and then tag other people. I won't tag anyone, but feel free to join in the fun if you wish! Here's my list....

1. When I was 4, I rode my tricycle down the outside stairs and lost a bunch of teeth. They didn't come back until 2nd grade. I think that is part of the reason I don't like apples anymore. I couldn't eat them for quite some time.
2. I am obsessed with this mint lip gloss that Erin introduced me to a couple of years ago. I have about 8 tubes of it. I feel it's a need.
3. I've traveled to 5 countries in Europe, been to Mexico twice, taken a bus trip to Georgia, Florida and Washington DC. -- My trip to Florida was for Spring Break with 5 other girls and it was quite an adventure. I don't think I will ever go on a bus for that long again.... though once we were there, we did have fun.
4. I passed out at the Smithsonian and got to go on to the 'secret floor'. I think it was just dehydration.
5. I hate cotton balls. I can't touch them. They gross me out.
6. MIce freak me out. I scream and stand on furniture if i see one. Sometimes I might even cry. I'd rather be in a room with snakes or spiders.
7. Whenever I get my haircut, Trisha (my cousin/hairdresser) has to give me a towel to hold over my face. I also have to plug my ears~ otherwise I giggle soooo hard and loud. It's embarrassing. It's kind of like the cotton-ball thing all over again. It drives me crazy.
8. I once was chosen randomly to play in a slot machine tournament when I worked at a daycare. I won $100 for pushing a button. It was sweet.

There it is.


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