Despite having some terrible sinus problems this week, (I woke up with nearly-swelled shut eyes!) I am trying find the small blessings in my life today.... Here's what i have come up with:
1. Though it is SUPER cold in MN, many of the Aune clan came together to celebrate Grandpa's 87th bday. We had a great time visiting- and watching gramps face light up can brighten anyone's day. I am so lucky to have had my grandparents be such an important part of my life!
2. I got to spend time with both Erin and Bill this weekend as they made a quick trip home. Erin had the sinus stuff last week, but is slowly getting better. We basically vegged all night and enjoyed some tasty soup together, and we even had special Kleen-ex. :)
3. I talked to Laura. Finally. She's promised to call me at least 2x/week now.
4. I had a fairly good week in school..... only one child had to visit the office for some poor choices. We are working on not pinching bottoms anymore... or using profanity. ;-)
5. Tomorrow is a day spent with ADULTS! Thought I LOVE being with 6 year olds all day-- it's certainly enjoyable to sit and have a conversation with peers! I look forward to seeing some teachers I taught with last year as well! Oh- and the even better part is that I probably won't be using words such as-- good choice or poor choice?-- or "did you remember to flush and wash?"
6. Jesse and I met in Duluth for a yummy dinner at Famous Daves before he flew away for the week. He is driving around through mountains and some sweet terrain as I type. He's in California~ lucky duck.
7. While in Duluth, I went to the mall and didn't buy a thing! Hooray!
8. I get to go swimming with my dad 3 mornings each week. He's a pretty good motivator at 6 in the morning. (Not to mention, he has to drive my car with bad tires up the hill each morning before I flip out!--- i get angry, he's quite calm)
9. I talked to my nephew, Jack. He said "Kitty" and "meow".... he's so smart! I get to see him and his mom SOON!
10. The wedding plans are comin' along. I have some great helpers... thanks!
11. My car still starts when it's 30 below.
12. I am still in my jammies and it's 5:00 on Sunday evening. Love that! It has been a nice day to relax. Oh- and Extreme Home Makeover is on tonight.
13. I am going to try to meet up with my friend Christie this week. She is a bright spot for me to look forward to. In fact, I will go call right now.
14. It's almost MLK day, and my students were interested and intrigued learning about him. I love those kinds of lessons-- you know, the ones where you feel like they are really catching on? They were showing such empathy-- even at first grade. Peaches.
OK- so this post might not seem interesting at all,.... but it surely makes me grateful for all of the little things I have goin' in the right direction.