Well- I finally have some time to update my blog. I've realized that the longer I wait to blog, the harder it is to remember what I've been up to.... I will do my best to recall what's been happening.
I do know that I have spent a couple of evenings hanging out with my friend Christie. We have gone out for dinner and walked around town, and I've truly enjoyed our talks. Our goal is to try and meet up once a week- or at least every other week.... it's just one more thing I look forward to! :)
Amy, Trisha, Erin and I all met up in MPLS last weekend for our 'girls weekend'. We spent a LONG time at the Mall of America~ walking, talking and shopping. We enjoyed some yummy food Saturday night and lots of giggles and stories. Sunday morning we all woke up and went to IKEA for more shopping. We caught a meal at Chipotle before heading our separate ways. I look forward to more girls trips with these fun gals.... maybe around Christmas time?.
On the home front, my grandpa landed himself in the hospital early last week. It looks as though he is going to be there for the next couple of weeks. It's been tough on the whole family, but we are working together to make sure both gram and gramps can get the best care they can. They hate being alone-- and we hate leaving them alone! The hardest part ( besides seeing your grandparents not feeling well), is for grandma and grandpa to NOT be together. They have been together for 71 years... and having them in different hospitals/housing is difficult for all of us. My grandpa said he was going to "walk out of the hospital to go find grandma." I am praying these next weeks go smoothly.
School continues to go well. I am really enjoying my bunch this year. I have 2 adult helpers with me this year, so I am able to get to spend more 1-1 time with my kids, and can also have my helpers re-teach difficult concepts to students who need a little more practice. It seems to be working nicely-- and the year is definitely flying by! I enjoy learning with them each day~ and have definitely had some eye openers!
The weather is definitely feeling more fall-like today. It's CHILLY! I am hoping that the clouds roll over and the raindrops stop by the weekend~ not that I have any big plans yet, but I am sure it will be busy, whatever happens.
I guess that's about all for now. Here's wishing you all a happy day!