the past few weeks...

I wish I had something to blog about..... but really, it's just baby news. The past (almost)4 weeks have been filled with baby time- although, Jesse and I did get some time out on the lake, and have been away for dinner twice.... a nice break from our little bundle. We've had lots of visitors and are working at getting a routine down. We know that Sawyer is the boss right now- so we are doing everything we can to make sure he's happy and content. He's a pretty good little one, despite some tummy issues. He had gained a pound and grew 2 inches at his 2 week appt.. Hard to believe he is almost a month old..... He (and his parents!) have been getting spoiled by aunties, uncles and great friends. (oh yes, and auntie erin loves playing photo-shoot with the babies.... isn't the above pic adorable?)
Looking ahead- I have an inservice day I realized that I need to go to in a week! I am not returning to school until November- but there are a few things that I want to do to have my classroom ready for my sub, as well as establishing a routine for my kids. I do LOVE my job. It's strange to think I won't be there to start the year with my little pumpkins. I did go to Orr last week to visit "aunt becky" and was able to see a couple of my students. The girls wanted to hold Sawyer- awfully sweet. He loved them. :)
We move into our house in a week.... busy busy. My sisters are already trying to talk me into having the big family Christmas there- we'll see if we have furniture by then. :) I am not looking forward to packing and unpacking, but it will be nice to settle in and get all of our stuff out of storage. Lots of our wedding gifts are packed away, so it will be like Christmas all over again!
Anyways- I hope everyone is enjoying summer- it looks like we are in for a week full of rain!