to blog or not to blog...
Yes, that IS the question. I LOVE reading other people's blogs- and what's going on with them... however, it seems that it is sometimes so difficult for me to write on here. I often times think of quitting my blogging world, but then I LOVE to look back at what has happened in my life over the past (2-so far) years, and then I decide to keep trying to write..... So- though it may take me forever to post I'm hoping to keep going....
April has been a good month. School keeps me busy. We've had a few GORGEOUS days and my kids are just patiently waiting to get outside for some more extra time. They all have their beach towels ready to take out to read, write and play games in the grass. I'd like to say we might be able to this week-- but as the weather stands right now (freezing rain? what?), it isn't looking good. We are busy planning some special days for the end of the year- it's always such a fun time to be together. I can't believe I am closing in on another school year. Time sure flies.
Easter was great. We went to Jesse's sister/brother-in-laws house for a couple of nights. Easter Friday night we met Scott and Annie for burgers and wings at a local Bemidji bar/restaurant. That Saturday they made some venison sausage that turned out mighty tasty. His parents came over that afternoon and we had a big dinner together. Easter Sunday we stayed around and visited for the day and then headed home in the late afternoon. That Monday, Jesse took the day off as I had a dr appt, so we went to my appt, and then went to Duluth for the afternoon. We drove down and walked around in Canal Park for the afternoon, enjoyed a yummy lunch at Angie's Cantina, went to the mall, Home Depot, Best Buy, Target-- and didn't buy A THING. It was a fun day to have off and be able to spend some time together.
I also made it up to G&G Pods with Erin last weekend. We called up mom and she swung in for a visit too. We spent time discussing all the baby names my grandpa doesn't like. :( Good thing he doesn't have a choice!
I spent yesterday in Orr, as our little (ok- she's now 16) Kaylee went to prom. She looked GORGEOUS-- as did all the girls. I was also able to snap a quick photo of my friend (and co-worker) Becky and her 2 beautiful girls. I have gotten to know the Shermer girls at school as they come into our room after school- they are very entertaining, sweet girls and I love hearing about their crazy high school days!
I start this week with another dr appt, then a final walk-through of the house, and if everything goes as planned- we CLOSE on our house this week~ here are a few (not-so-great) pictures- they'll have to do for now.
OH- and it's Bill's and my dad's birthdays this week - so parties to follow. I'm looking forward to some delicious ice cream cakes! Happy May :)
At April 26, 2009 at 5:48 PM ,
MC said...
Please keep blogging! I love it, and miss it when you don't :)
At April 26, 2009 at 8:35 PM ,
Wallestads said...
I love your blog, too, April! I know how hard it is to keep up--my posting frequency is VERY low. I also LOVE your house! How exciting! Happy spring. :)
At April 27, 2009 at 9:40 AM ,
Holly said...
I'm a lover of your blog too! Love that staircase in the house. What a year you are having!
At April 27, 2009 at 9:33 PM ,
The Stepecs said...
Can't wait to see your house! Sweet! Yes, keep blogging! Especially when the little one arrives.
At April 28, 2009 at 8:16 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I'm glad you blogged. :)
Your house looks beautiful! I can't wait to see it in person.
Miss you!
At April 29, 2009 at 8:38 PM ,
tiff said...
keep on blogging...i enjoy bee-bopping over from erin's blog to sneak a peek at your life...someday we will meet!
love your new fun to have your own place!
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