Weekly update.
1. In the process of finishing meds and recovering from strep and a touch of the flu.
2. Spirit Week at school- fun, exhausting, kids loved it.
3. Saw He's Just Not That Into You with Christie and Erin.... had a nice dinner, talked about wayyyy too many girlie things, went to Target and spent unnecessary money. :) Can't wait to do it again. OH- and I found out I need to work on parking my sweet ride..... Christie's going to give me lessons.
4. Wonderful visit with mom, G&G Pod, and Uncle Rob- lots of sarcasm and belly laughs- not to mention some tasty tuna salad (thanks gram!).
5. Got a surprise baby gift in the mail... thanks Kerrisa. It's ADORABLE.
6. Visit with one of my fav cousins, Jordan. He's a quiet riot.
7. Jesse and Bill went on a 10 mile hike in the BWCA today. I spent the day (go figure!) at Erin's... the service is good here. Erin's currently making shrimp curry. Deliciouso!
8. School meeting tomorrow night. Valentine's party Friday.
9. G&G Aune celebrated their 66th anniversary!!! I didn't go to see them Friday because I didn't want to get them sick.... I will get there this week. Can you even imagine 66 years together?? What a pair....
10. IOWA or BUST Friday pm. Looking forward to updating Amy's blog for her.
Happy Valentine's (or as my students say; ValentiMe's Day!)
At February 9, 2009 at 8:09 PM ,
Erin said...
Hey - what was that line in the preview of the movie that made me laugh so hard? Thanks for letting me tag along... just like in high school. ;-)
I'm glad you like curry. It is the only thing I cook anymore. I also hope baby Junie B. likes curry.
Sorry you didn't get to catch a frisbee during school spirit week. :-)
Start thinking about what kinds of treats we will need for the ride to Iowa!
At February 12, 2009 at 9:00 AM ,
Christie said...
Thanks for dinner and a movie- I needed a fun girls night and you and Erin are always great to be with.
Enjoy your time with the Stepecs this weekend. I'll pray for good weather so you won't have to drive on that Iowa ice they seem to always have.
At February 12, 2009 at 12:39 PM ,
Anonymous said...
If you need to take a break while driving through St. Paul this weekend feel free to stop off at my house. I'd love to see you! But I understand if you can't -- sometimes it's just easier to keep on driving.
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