Ok- so yes, last week my car was having some issues-- it was 'jerking' whenever it decelerated and got to about 30 mph.... my first thought was that it was the transmission-- and I know that is never good. So- we had it towed to the nearest Chrysler dealer and they ended up fixing it for about 100 bucks.... wayyy less than a new transmission would have cost! That was some welcome news. Of course I haven't driven my car yet, but apparently Jesse thinks it's working fine. (and Jesse took the fuse out so the random honking has stopped)
So as my car was sitting in the shop, we contemplated and contemplated buying a new vehicle-- or maybe buying Jesse's brother's truck. After hours of thinking, we decided to bite the bullet and buy Luke's truck. We got a great deal- it's a very nice truck- and something I feel safe in. It's full size so it will have room for a carseat and more in the back. I drove it home last night and loved it and have now made it "my truck". Our plan is to keep all 3 vehicles for now, so we can use the truck in bad weather, or to haul things when needed. Our cars will be used for regular-every-day use-- at least for the time being. (any of you reading this probably know the car troubles that the Aune family has endured over the years...always good to have a spare!)
Anyways- I had a good week (despite not having a car) at school. It felt a bit long- for only having kids for 4 days. Part of that is probably due to the fact that I had a mess of kids who were sick.... flu....strep throat....bronchitis. I spent all of Friday morning sanitizing my room heavily before the kids got there. Hopefully that will help things out a bit (and hopefully i will stay healthy!). At any rate, Friday night came and I was sleeping by 9:00. We got up early Saturday, took a QUICK trip to Bemidji to get the truck and were back by 8:30 last night. This morning we got up, headed to church, and then I came home with Erin to spend the day with her. Jesse ran to Virginia while Bill went to watch the start of the Beargrease. Dad's still at church and Erin and I are just spending some QT with Uncle Pa. Happy last-week-of-January!
PS~ for those of you who just started facebook.... that doesn't get you off the hook from updating your blog! xoxo
At January 26, 2009 at 9:54 AM ,
Lady Jane said...
i'm so glad you guys stopped by last night, it was great to catch up! and i'm happy your car problems are fixed!
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