Ready or not...
Christmas is here! I just LOVE this time of year-- it's such a "good" busy. I don't feel like everything is ready- but really, what do we need to celebrate, other than great family and friends (ok, and maybe a tree with some lights....)?
My last week of school with my kids went well. They held their excitement together pretty well~ at least until the Friday we got out. We spent the afternoon partying with Alvin and the Chipmunks and tons-o-food! I bought them each a slinky (usually I buy a book, but this year I chose something different- and let me tell you, they were much more enthralled with a slinky!). They were flying all over the classroom and I finally had to tell them to put them away. It was a great way to spend the afternoon before heading off for a glorious vacation!
Of course I can't post without mentioning the awesome party at the nursing home last week. Jesse and I, along with my aunt and uncle spend Thursday evening rockin' out with my grandparents and (what felt like) a million other people. We watched the church handbell choir (always a fav) perform and then sang some good old Christmas tunes together. It was so cute watching my grandparents sing-- they remember so many songs! I certainly cherish these times... and the night wouldn't be complete without some gifts. The staff at the nursing home all "adopt" a resident- they definitely know my grandparents. They gave them CHOCOLATE~ which is my grandpa's favorite food-- really he loves any sweet-- did i mention that while we were there he ate about 5 cookies, a piece of fudge and some hershey kisses?? I wish I had his metabolism. :) Anyways- it was a perfect evening spent together.
We got more snow this weekend which forced us to stay indoors on Saturday.... I think I watched about 20 episodes of Friends.... love it.
Yesterday Erin, Trisha and I all headed out to do a little shopping. I picked up a few trinkets to put under the tree- It was fun to be out and about. I stayed at dad's last night and tried to help Erin get ready for the big Aune family Christmas. Should be a good time. Poor dad had to go to work at 5:00 this morning, and since I heard him leave, I've been up ever since. Might as well get something done! We are going in to have some more Christmas fun with gram and gramps this morning- including showing some old slides and lunch. Then we will all gather at dad's for dinner tonight.....
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas~
At December 24, 2008 at 8:41 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Merry Christmas to you and all your family!
I'm glad your kids liked the slinky idea, ha! I miss your e-mails now that your on vacation! Hope all is well...I will talk to you soon!
Love ya!
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