the latest.
Weeks have just been flying by. I am amazed that we are starting the 5th week of school (midterms already??). At any rate I have had a GREAT school year thus far. I feel so lucky! I have my same crew as last year and they are perfect. I had one not-so-great day (which it was rainy and i was crabby), but other than that, I've enjoyed getting to work each morning. That isn't to say that I don't appreciate my time away from my students ( i certainly do!)... but it is wonderful to like going to work.
Both this Friday and last Friday we spent watching Jordan play football. It is so hard to believe he is a senior already. I grew up babysitting him- spent so much time with his family--- and here he is almost 18. He did a great job (13 tackles and more! and I am glad that we have been able to go and watch him play before his season is over.
Friday also brought my grandma's 85th birthday. Erin/Bill, Stacy/Dylan, Auntie Lal, Dad, Jesse and I all celebrated with some cake and gifts for gram. She and gramps both looked great and we had fun visiting with them and hearing old stories.
Yesterday Erin and I drove down to meet mom for breakfast. We had a nice surprise when she pulled up and Tina was with her. SO- we all enjoyed a yummy breakfast and then headed to the mall. Mom found a couple of cute outfits and I found a BRIGHT GREEN peacoat which I justified as a need. (?) I LOVE it. Luckily I got home to a hubby who loved it too.
Jesse was out hunting all day, so when he got home, he asked if we should go out for a nice dinner. We headed to Valentini's before heading to bed. I called it a date. :)
As for today- we've been visiting my grandma and grandpa Poderzay. We had a nice visit with them and now we are sitting at Uncle Robby's watching the Vikings with him, Tina and Jordan. My dad also made a surprise visit. Time to go eat wings....
At September 29, 2008 at 9:35 PM ,
Erin said...
Maybe you guys could make us some wings for Monday night football next week. Or, just make us some wings - period. :=)
At October 3, 2008 at 8:22 PM ,
tiff said...
Thank You...thank You...thank you...for all of your suggestions and CD's for my kindergarten have been VERY helpful!
Glad to hear that your year is going so well...I followed my kinders to first grade then onto second grade when I taught in Washington way back in 1993...yikes I am aging myself..ha:)
Thanks Again!
Tiff Holt
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