We have had the most wonderful 2 weeks..... I'll try to remember the highlights ( i have said I should have been journaling, but never got to it! Rats!)
Before the wedding, I was able to spend time with my sisters, Amy and Jack, Kerrisa,..... lots of girl time! Too fun. We always have so many great giggles. I was glad to have all the girls around to help with a few last minute details. :) The rehearsal went well, and the dinner out at the Landing was fun. Trisha decided to come and stay with me out at my dad's, so we left around 9:30 and went home and tried to sleep. We were both up most of the night... It was hot and I suppose I had to much excitement running though my blood, so we were up at 3 in the morning eating peanut butter toast....
The wedding was a blast. We had so much fun and saw SO MANY PEOPLE! I didn't get to talk to nearly as many people as I wanted to, but hopefully I will run into everyone again soon. I have NO PICTURES of the wedding yet, as I didn't have my camera, so I am waiting for some from other people ( yes, that's a hint-- although I did get a couple via email, thanks!). Anyways- the whole day went entirely too fast.... getting ready, the ceremony, the limo ride ( which I would recommend to anyone we had so much fun with the bridal party!), the dinner and finally the dance! Even Jesse, who claims to not be a dancer, rocked the dance floor. We truly enjoyed our day and will remember it forever. Oh- and 2 hightlights from the wedding were seeing my G&G be able to make it.... I didn't think they would, but my aunt and uncle picked them up, and when I saw them walking into the church, I sobbed and sobbed ( and so did my gram). It was so special. ANd-a few friends from Mitchell were able to make the 9 hour drive, so that was great to see them too! I wish i had pictures..... it was incredible.
The morning after, we ran into several of the wedding party members and a few friends, and headed out for breakfast together before Jesse and I left for Mexico. That was fun too-- and while we were there, we ran into more people from the wedding.... Annie, Nikki and Erin... Here is one pic from that morning (notice we all look a little tired...)

After breakfast, we had to run back home to pick up last minute luggage and things for Mexico.... then off we went! We spent the first night in MPLS as we flew out Monday morning. We were up early, got a ride to the airport and everything went so smooth! I was impressed. We even got bumped up to first class from Memphis to Cancun. Our hotel was GORGEOUS! We can't wait to go back. It was an endless beach on the ocean, where we were able to snorkel-- i even saw a sea turtle and some stingrays, and we had a HUGE pool-- like a 1/2 mile long... with hammocks and lounge chairs, free food and beverages, fancy restaurants and not-as-fancy bars and grills..... I wish we were still there! We went on a catamaran where we did more snorkeling and watched people catch some huge fish from the ocean. We also went to Tulum (Mayan Ruins) and did lots of touring and then jumped in the beautiful ocean there. It was HOT! One night we took a taxi into Playa del Carmen to bum around. The other days were just spent lounging on the beach. We managed to stay healthy, until the last day there. We must have caught some sort of bug, because the afternoon before we left, we both didn't feel well and spent a majority of the day sleeping. We didn't get too burnt as we used LOTS of sunscreen.... Anyways- we had a blast and hope to go back someday... maybe we can take everyone else along with us! I would love that!
We made it back home at 2:00 in the morning on Tuesday and then we spent all of Tuesday cleaning our house, mowing the lawn, and doing (what felt like) endless laundry. Jesse had to go back to work yesterday after having 8 days off~ but he managed.

Ok- here are a couple pics from our resort...... hopefully I will get more to post on here soon. Hope this post finds everyone enjoying summer! Hard to believe it's nearing the end of June.... time sure flies!