just the latest....

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So- Jesse decided to go on a bike ride through some random path in the woods.... where he then took a break, and must have came in contact with a little (a lot!) POISON IVY! He knows what to look for~ but must not have been paying attention. It started with a little patch on his hand earlier this week. Then on Saturday, he had 2 patches (that looked like big bug bites) on his back... and now it's gone to a full-blown rash, up and down his back! He went into the dr today and he told him it is indeed poison ivy. He has some heavy duty stuff to put on, but the dr also said that it could take 10+ days to go away. Now- 10 days from now we will be getting ready to fly on a plane out of the U.S., so I certainly hope it's gone by then. He's itchy and even in a little pain... poor guy! Of course I am SUPER paranoid, so I've been cleaning and washing things (even though I know it can only be spread from the plant oils... but.....).
Anyways- if anyone has any poison ivy tricks, drop a line!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Happy Birthday!

I love you.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

things to blog about.

I haven't felt like blogging lately. It shouldn't be too long, because my life really isn't that exciting..... but here are a few things that really made me smile.

1. Mother's Day: Last Sunday mom, Laura, Erin and I all headed to Duluth for a day of shopping. We also met up with our little Kerrisa. We had a great time storytelling, walking around, shopping and eating lunch together. We found some great purchases- one being mom's dress for the wedding. It was a nice day for us girls to spend together. Thanks, ladies!

2. G-squared. I am SO mad at myself. I wish I had my camera! Thursday night we went and visited my grandparents at the nursing home. We ran into Uncle Pa and Bill Conger there, too. It was family night.... so they had the residents wearing silly cowboy hats (is that a bit demeaning??) and they had a band playing. My grandparents really enjoyed themselves and the music~ it was nice to see them smiling and they were both quite alert so we had a nice visit. I lOVE those days.

3. Kerrisa. Well- at the nursing home, we saw our new favorite little nurse there! Kerrisa (she is the one I blogged about turing 21 in April...) started working at the nursing home last week. She is going to be in her last year of college this fall and will then be a full-fledged RN! She will make an ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL nurse- she is so caring and compassionate, and we are so glad she is at the nursing home this summer to help take care of our grandparents. :)

4. Jack. He finally learned to say APRIL. Hooray!! :) I've been waiting for that since birth.

5. School. I have 8 days to go. This week is a busy one.... I have 2 after school IEP's, a spring concert Wednesday night, a field trip all day Thursday, and another bridal shower (thrown by my school... too kind) after school. Next week I only have 3 days to go.... and that means lots of cleaning, one more field trip to the bear sanctuary, and field day. wow.

6. Annie P. I was thinking about my friend Annie (we went to France together in high school, and have been fortunate enough to keep in touch ever since) so I sent her an email. She sent me a quick reply with pics of her sweet baby Henry. Then that night, I thought of her again 2 times as 2 songs on the radio completely remind me of her ( girls just wanna have fun and another one by the Wallflowers...) I MISS YOU ANNIE! And-this post is for you. ;-)

7. Company. Friday night Matt and Taryn, Bill and Erin all stopped over for a visit. We had a couple drinks (ok- Taryn couldn't because she is going to have a baby here early June... she's so cute!) and LAUGHED a lot. We had storytime-- which is way more entertaining when you have these 3 boys together. I also just sat with Taryn and watched her little belly move. I can't wait to meet their next baby. We are surely hoping they can come to the wedding (not likely)-- but if not, we will be visiting them soon.

8. Baby Shower! Yesterday I went to a baby shower for my friend Heather and her sweet baby Elspeth. There were so many people and so many thoughtful gifts. I saw Elspeth about 6 weeks ago... and she has grown so much! I didn't get to visit with Heather too much, so I hope to catch up with them again soon. :)

9. Grand Rapids. After the shower, I had to head over to Rapids to pick Jesse up so he could drop off his motorcycle to be fixed. We had to get there before 3:00... and we made it with about 10 minutes to spare. Then we had a little time to waste-- so I decided last minute to call my cousins Tara and Tawnya. I am so glad I did! They welcomed us into their new house-- we got a sweet tour, and I also got to see Tara's belly... yep, she's having a baby in late July....and I hadn't seen her in a quite some time... so she's definitely looking preggers! :) Another sweet baby boy on the way.... we can't wait to meet him!

10. Annie and Scott. The end of our day in Rapids was spent with Jesse's sister Annie and her fiance, Scott. We met them for dinner and got in a quick visit before they went back to Bemidji. Annie is hilarious-- and when you put her with Jesse, well then it's double trouble. I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. Good times.....

11. Today. Jesse went golfing with Matt. I am sitting in my jammies, thinking about lots of different things. I think I am going to call Taryn and go for a walk before they head back home. Then- I think Jesse and I might go for a picnic in our backwoods this afternoon... and then I might even do a little work around here. We'll see...

Gosh- for not having much to write about, I sure have a long post! Hope this finds everyone happy and healthy-- and ready for summer!