
Of course I have to start off with a picture of my little sweet pea..... well, not mine, but Laura and Mike's sweet pea....
Anyways- it seems as though the summer weather is finally here. I usually LOVE hot days, but since I am carrying around extra weight~ it isn't quite as fun. Today Dad, Arlene, Mike and Uncle Pa went swimming.... and I stuck my feet in, but I am not quite brave enough to jump in yet- plus, I am not very graceful. :)
We had a good week. I got to spend lots of time with Lo and Kate- in fact, since they stayed at dad's, and Jesse and I stayed at dad's, Lo came and woke me up at 7:30 and put Kate in our bed to snuggle for a few minutes. Laura and I took Kate on her first adventure shopping this week.... made quick stops at the mall, target, the grocery store and out for lunch. Kate is such a good baby~ I will feel lucky if our little one is half as good as she is! I have a ton of nicknames for her already- I cant wait to see which one sticks!
Speaking of babies-- our little one is certainly being stubborn. He/She still hasn't dropped and so I go to the Dr. on Monday to see what will happen next (whether I need to be induced or have a c-section). The Dr. has said that he/she is certainly growing bigger each day- which makes me quite nervous! Hopefully we will have a healthy little one here SOON, as I am beginning to get a little more tired, more cranky, more uncomfortable, and certainly more sappy and demanding. I am grateful that Laura and Jesse have been able to handle me these last 2 weeks..... yikes. xoxo
We've heard from Erin a couple of times and it sounds like they are having fun on vacation. She did manage to sprain her ankle ( anyone who knows her, knows she has issues....) but she said it's feeling better. We are looking forward to seeing them this week!
Jesse and I will soon be moving into our house. We went over to the previous owners last night and they are going to leave some stuff there for us, and we will buy some stuff from them.
They are great people and we enjoy chatting with them. It will be fun to finally be settled in.
Other than that, not much else going on. I am confused as to how it is already near the end of June??. July promises to be a busy month! I look forward to rocking my sweet one, more time at the lake, a glass of wine and some of Erin's delicious lemon drops, boat rides, a trip to MPLS to meet up with some dear girlfriends that I haven't seen in (what seems like) FOREVER, and maybe even a twin islands reunion!
Summer is in full swing!
At June 23, 2009 at 3:13 AM ,
Erin said...
I'm anxious for your little one to come, soon. When s/he is good and ready I guess! Hope you're not getting too sappy... I'll be home soon to cheer you up! :-)
Thanks for the mention of my injury. :-) Yes, the klutz has done it yet again.
Miss you and am excited to see you in a couple of days. Looking forward to taking a trip w/ the Glass family soon!!!
At June 25, 2009 at 12:40 PM ,
MC said...
Come on, Baby!
At June 25, 2009 at 4:44 PM ,
The Stepecs said...
She is so cute! I can't wait to get my hands on the new Glass baby next week! Come out, baby, come out!!
Love you!
At June 27, 2009 at 11:01 PM ,
MC said...
I just heard Sawyer James has arrived! CONGERATULATIONS!
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